This refers to Odoo8:
In Accounts- Configuration>Accounts>Templates>Taxes there are:
Tax Templates
Tax Code Templates
Fiscal Position Templates
All of these are set up just the same as there non-template counterparts, and intuition would tell me that a template should be selectable when creating a new tax or tax code, however these two things seem to be completely separate.
There is no way to turn a tax template into a useable tax.
Tax templates cannot be selected or used anywhere in Odoo.
When you install a preset chart of accounts for a country, such as Spain, all the new taxes for that location are automatically generated under tax templates. This is extremely frustrating as you cannot us these tax templates anywhere - instead you have to manually copy the data over to taxes in order to use them...
Am I missing something here? Right now I'm considering just merging tax templates and tax into the same thing, since they seem to be identical - the only difference being taxes can be used and selected throughout odoo, but tax templates cannot.
Please Help!
did you find an answer to that?