My weekly imports use an External ID in the form "barcode.XXXX" where XXXX is the barcode of the product.
Week 1: Product with External ID "barcode.1234" is created with price $5
Week 2: Product with External ID "barcode.1234 is UPDATED to price $6
Note that the barcode field is also updated with "1234".
As long as a user doesn't create products, I am able to update and/or add new products each week.
If users notice that a new product isn't yet in Odoo, they will create it. Since Odoo doesn't assign an External ID, when the import runs, a DUPLICATE of this product will be created.
Between Week 2 and Week 3: Product with barcode 5678 is created by a user. External ID does not exist.
Week 3: Product with External ID "barcode.5678" is created - a DUPLICATE.
How can I setup Odoo so that when a user creates a Product, an External ID matching the format I am using is automatically created?