In my "Library" on my website I can navigate to a particular slide but when I hit the download button it prompts me to login. The line in the code looks like this:
@http.route('''/slides/slide/<model("slide.slide", "[('channel_id.can_see', '=', True), ('download_security', '=', 'public')]"):slide>/download''', type='http', auth="public", website=True) |
def slide_download(self, slide): |
if slide.download_security == 'public' or (slide.download_security == 'user' and request.session.uid): |
filecontent = base64.b64decode(slide.datas) |
disposition = 'attachment; filename=%s.pdf' % werkzeug.urls.url_quote( |
return request.make_response( |
filecontent, |
[('Content-Type', 'application/pdf'), |
('Content-Length', len(filecontent)), |
('Content-Disposition', disposition)]) |
elif not request.session.uid and slide.download_security == 'user': |
return werkzeug.utils.redirect('/web?redirect=/slides/slide/%s' % ( |
return"website.403") |
I put in a pdb and found that whether I'm logged in or not the slide.download_security is always equal to 'user'. I've tried all combinations of removing things but usually just that results in the loss of my download button. However, if I navigate directly to the /slides/slide/#/download url it downloads. So I guess I know that is works.
How can I allow the public to download these documents without having to be logged in and still maintain my download button?
Thanks for your help!