I bought a module displaying product variant internal code for V10. But I get no reply from the author updating it to V12. But the module is generally working but with wrong default code for each variant. Say for Variant Color Red: 001, Color Blue:002 in backend, it will display Color Red: 002, Color Blue:001. This is not happening in V10. Here is the code in controller, I am almost new to python . Any help is highly appreciated.
class WebsiteSale(http.Controller):
@http.route(['/get_variant_code'], type='json', auth='public',
def get_variant_code(self, **post):
variant_code = http.request.env['product.product'].sudo().\
search([('id', '=', int(post.get('product_id')))])
codes = [code.default_code for code in variant_code]
return {'product_rec_code': codes}
Link to the module: https://apps.odoo.com/apps/modules/10.0/website_defaultcode_variant/
You may want to contact the author of the module to get this fixed since you have paid for it.
@Paresh W, the thing is that I got no reply from the author. The module is the only one by this author and I think he/she should stopped in service for odoo