I'm trying to put the *Date* field on the recruitment page,
There is one section that added a table with a column:
No, Description, Date
And added the *+* button, on that button click ajax will fire and return *HTML string*,
That I'll append in the table,
So ultimately the goal is to add functionality that users will add unlimited rows,
But while I render the new row, at that time *Date* widget does not work, It will work as Datetime,
In the first row, the date will be perfectly setted, but the another who comes through ajax will show the date-time. Here is the difference...
- 1.1) Perfectly Works, this one is defined while the full template loaded on the page
- 1.2) This one comes from the ajax call
Both XML sources are the same, but I don't know why it will contain an issue like this...
I got one solution, to call DateTime picker on ajax done, but it will open another dialogue box, which looks bad,
I want the same date picker only, that comes from the ajax call.