I thought the documents/knowledge app would sort this out but alas, it does not.
This request is really just to add file upload capability to an odoo web form.
My page: http://portal.ssworx.com.au/page/website-test-form
I am after the code to put in the html of the page if it is that easy. something like this https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbzer6qfJNu3DDHdAuWFMOAIfJvfjX0d-Tw6rdNmeTk/dev
What I am after is a field that I can put on the webform (such as contact us) that enables a potential customer (anonymous lead) to upload a file (drawing, picture, spreadsheet, doc) etc, that will then be associated with the lead once the submit button is pressed. Could I allow more than one upload? say 5, in case of many drawings or example photos?
N.B. When the documents app is installed, a new button appears above every record that says "Attachments", with a drop down which says "Add...". That is exactly the type of thing I am after for a contact form.
That way, when a lead comes in, I can see the attachments the source has attached, and when I convert to an opportunity or further, the attachments follow the lead. I have a work around using a custom form on google docs page with an anonymous upload type, but this will just get hard to manage. also, there is no way to tie the google drive upload form into the odoo website. (or is there??).
Some thoughts I have had about for this process...
- I am no postgresql guru, and when I upload files manually within a record, a search using locate does not find the files within the linux file structure, so I am guessing they are stored in the database, but I have no idea where. (I have read a few pgsql posts that say it is best to store file in the database rather than the linux file structure, but I am not sure about that!)
- I imagine if I did know where they were stored within the db, I would add a field that points to the document repository so the document could be stored there?
- I would like to limit the size of the documents individually to around 2Mb, and only accept a few formats (pdf, jpg, doc etc..)
- As I have portal access for our clients, and I have the shop exclusively for them, I would like to have a similar form page that only portal users can see, that allows them to put in details about an upcoming project such as name, location, and a drawing etc. Same request really, but just another view on it.
Big thanks in advance.