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2 Replies

I builded a website in odoo using visual builder. Everything worked fine until I had to move whole view code to a new one. From this moment the visual builder is not working properly - I can not insert a block on whole site, but just on the footer area. I noticed that <div class="oe_structure"/> is responsible for this, but if I put it on very top of code right behind <t t-call="website.layout">, blocks can be insert only on footer, if I put code somewhere else for example between <section/><section> then I can insert blocks just between this section.
Where I should insert that div?

Author Best Answer

My structure is correct. Bug is somewhere else. I used that code to hide content for logged/non logged user 
<t t-if="website.user_id == user_id"> CONTENT </t>

<t t-if="website.user_id != user_id"> CONTENT </t>

Hiding works fine, but with that element visual builder is not working properly. Can someone help me fix that? 

Best Answer

Every web page has its own QWeb view. This is an example for a homepage:

<t name="Home" priority="29" t-name="website.homepage">
<t t-call="website.layout">
<t t-set="pageName" t-value="'homepage'"/>
<div id="wrap" class="oe_structure oe_empty">
<section class="s_media_block" src="" loop="loop" autoplay="autoplay" opacity="1" background="js-rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)" iframefit="fitCont" style="height: 544px; overflow: hidden;">
<div class="v-align text-center preserve3d">
<h1 class="text-center">Any Text<br/></h1>

This may help you understand the structure of Odoo web pages.
