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Hello Odoo Forum,

V17 Enterprise

I am seeing warnings in my Odoo logs for failed web push notifications due to PayloadTooLarge.

Has anyone else seen this, I'm curious if this is a known potential issue on vanilla Odoo installs or if I need to chase down a potential cause by my own customizations.

This forum butchers everything I try to paste.  The errors are in a comment below.


2024-05-09 14:00:48,883 697 INFO pfvt odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread: Routing mail from "PERSONS NAME" <> to odoomailgate@localhost,"Sales Team Name" <> with Message-Id <.XXXXXXXX.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM>: direct reply to msg: model: crm.lead, thread_id: XXXX, custom_values: None, uid: X
2024-05-09 14:00:49,092 697 WARNING database odoo.addons.mail.web_push: Failed push notification 413 - {"reason":"PayloadTooLarge"}
2024-05-09 14:00:49,535 697 WARNING database odoo.addons.mail.web_push: Failed push notification 400 - binary data passed in the request must be less than 4096 bytes.
2024-05-09 14:00:49,560 697 WARNING database odoo.addons.mail.web_push: Failed push notification 413 - {"reason":"PayloadTooLarge"}


Has anyone else seen push notifications fail because the payload is too large?