I am trying to find some clear information on Odoo routes/stock moves.
Goods In Process:
1. A purchase order is created containing the products that are being sent from the supplier. In this instance, we have a single supplier.
2. Goods arrive at our warehouse. The shipment's bar code is scanned and matched up with the appropriate purchase order (this is going to be done using a bespoke mobile app that contacts Odoo via the API) (we have nearly completed this piece).
3. items are then placed into "put away palettes" (we have 3-4 of these, and intend to model them as "locations"), before going through our putaway process (which we will implement once we have this bit complete). We are stuck on this piece. I imagine the best practice for this to use the mobile app to get the product barcode + the ID of the palette, then do API calls to create a stock move from location, however I am struggling to put together all the necessary details for that. Similarly, in the Odoo back end, when an item in a purchase order is marked as received, it seems to trigger a number of other update processes - will these be triggered if we use the API? What is the best practice for this approach?
I cannot find any meaningful documentation on stock moves/routes - can someone please suggest some?
Many thanks,