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I'm just about to set up the warehouse system, but despite of making several purchase orders, the stock of Supplier Locations is always empty. It doesn't show anything. Earlier documentation said that negative stock levels should be shown. In the following I show the reproduction steps of this.

I tested it on the latest run bot (odoo 8) and also on my 4 months old local odoo 8 build.

I refer to the warehouse setup with default demo data.

1. Before I start the procedure, I check the content of the Supplier Location: Warehouse -> Locations -> Partner Locations/Suppliers -> Current Stock -> Removing the Internal Filter -> It is completly empty

2. Partner Contact (res.partner) of AsusTek: -> Sales & Purchases -> Supplier Location set as Partner Locations/Suppliers
3. Purchase Order: 10 iPad Mini, invoice based on generated draft (is maybe not relevant), Destination: WH/Stock, Deliver To: Your Company: Receipts (Note that this Picking Type is also set as Partner Locations/Suppliers to WH/Stock)

4. Purchase Order Confirmed; Delivery Order Transferred; 
5. Warehouse -> Locations -> Partner Locations/Suppliers -> Current Stock -> Removing the Internal Filter -> It is empty!!! Shouldn't it show negative stock of my 10 iPad mini?

6. Back to my Purchase Order: I complete the workflow: Invoice Received, Validated, Paid; Purchase Order: Done
7. Warehouse -> Locations -> Partner Locations/Suppliers -> Current Stock -> Removing the Internal Filter -> It is still empty!!!
8. Opening up the Quant menu also shows me no content for Partner Locations/Suppliers or any children location of it

I really don't understand why no negative stock levels are shown in Partner Locations/Suppliers. Both the documentation and blog entries of Odoo emphasizes that the stock moves are based on double entry system. I assumed that an input on one location should lead to an output on a different stock location. So why are no negative stock levels shown in Partner Locations/Suppliers? Thanks for help!

Best Answer

Odoo have two different models: stock.move and stock.quant

  • stock.quant - Quants are a technical object defining the actual stock.  If you have for example 70 pieces of product A in location A, you can have one quant of 70 pieces, but it is also possible to have several quants where the quantities sum to 70.  This way it is easy for the system to reserve stock, by reserving the quants.  If it does not need the whole quant, it can be split.
  • stock.move - A stock move is the model in Odoo that can move stock between 2 locations. Stock move use a double-entry concept.

PS. Supplier Location Stock is calculated with model stock.quant

Best Answer

hi all i hava a this problem

i want to stock moves 2 other locations internal transfer

for example: moves

A product to B location

A1 product to B1 location one form

but intertal transfer A product to B location, A1 product to B location does not changing B location by B1



Author Best Answer

Oh okay, this makes sense somehow, thanks.

But if stock.move is a double-entry concept, how come that it is possible to create a move from Supplier Location to WH/Stock, if the Supplier Location is always empty?
And what use is it to provide a Supplier Location structure such as:

Partner Locations / Suppliers / IT Suppliers
Partner Locations / Suppliers / IT Suppliers / Big Suppliers
Partner Locations / Suppliers / IT Suppliers / Generic IT Suppliers

when the stock.quant are always empty and one can't track what stock there have been?

Is the only use to be able to track the stock.move histories by grouping their "source location" attribute?


Other philosophy, double-entry stock ~= double accounting. Two post at one moment credit and debit. It is not needed for this, neither the not empty credit or not empty debit.

Hi Gregor, I just came across this question because I was wondering the same thing. Did you ever get an answer to this? I'm trying to understand if it's possible to keep track of stock at a "Partner Location". Based on what I've seen so far it seems like this can't be done and you instead have to make a warehouse for that partner in order to keep track of stock. Is this what you have concluded as well?

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