I need help with deciding on how to setup warehouse and locations. I have the following situation:
1. Multiple companies involved and each company have many branches
2. Within each company, there are many branches. For example, say there are three branches: Los Angeles, New York, Florida.
3. For each locations, there are many delivery trucks. Each day, goods are loaded into a truck (depending on the routes (not Odoo route but physical road routes)). For example, a route going to zip code 91111 to 93333 will be loaded to a truck called "Zip 91111-93333".
4. While trucks will go to each site and deliver the goods. Upon finishing delivery to a customer site, the truck driver will process "Finish" in Odoo. meaning that it should deduct the stocks.
5. At the beginning of the day, in addition to Delivery lists, additional stocks will be loaded to the truck (to sell as non Presales order. i.e. selling a new customer, existing customers want an additional SKU or more quantities).
6. Trucks will return to the warehouse at the end of the day. They will return stocks to warehouse (whatever remaining for Presales:customers changed their minds and don't want it anymore and Non-Presales)
How should I set up warehouses and trucks in Odoo? I want stocks to be transferred between warehouses and trucks easily. and when delivering, the stocks need to be deducted accordingly from a truck. (we want to differentiate what truck delivered to what customers/Sales Order.
I don't think setting up trucks as locations seems easy but how can I link sales order to a location(truck) in Odoo?