Hello Everyone,
I used yeastar Api to receive all calls in odoo without using odoo VOIP, yeaster Api.
using JS code i trying to make refresh access token every 1800 seconds and refresh every 60 seconds, i used setInterval function by this simple idea to refresh Access Token:
var refresh_access_token = setInterval(function(){ ajax.rpc('get_access_token').then(
function(data){// data returned from python function..
access_token = data.access_token;// access token returned from py function
interval_time = data.interval_time;// remaining time to refresh access token
}); } , interval_time);
but this idea not work because interval time must be static i think !.
and for Web Socket i used:
const socket = new WebSocket('wss://some.some.com/openapi/v1.0/subscribe?access_token=' + access_token );
var te=setInterval(function(){
socket.addEventListener('open', (event) => {
console.log("hello from inteval")
So gays i need good idea to refresh access token every 1800 seconds, and make wws stable.
Thanks all,