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hi all

i added a field in 'sale.order.line' called 'sale_order_dimension'  i want to view this field value in 'stock.move' but i want to change value in stock.move without reflect
so i added

class InheritStockMove(models.Model):
_inherit = 'stock.move'

def _get_dimension_value(self):
# what should i add here

product_dimension = fields.Char(string="Dimension", default=_get_dimension_value)

Any idea ?
Best Answer

There is a field called "sale_line_id" in "stock.move" object. It will store the reference for the sales order line if the move is created from the sale line.

So you can use this field to fetch the value of any field of so line. You can simply create a related field using "sale_line_id" field.

Use the following code:

product_dimension = fields.Char("Dimension", related='sale_line_id.product_dimension')


it gets the value but i want to edit that field in stock.move but value doesn't reflect in sale.order.line

If you want to change the value in stock move and don't want to reflect it in sale line, add store=True in the related field.

product_dimension = fields.Char("Dimension", related='sale_line_id.product_dimension', store=True)


i added store=True in related field but still reflect the value in (dimension in sale order line) original field ...