Hey, so we are running Odoo 12 CE on an Ubuntu machine, and all of a sudden when any field on the sale.order.line is updated. The webpage will spin for about 5-7 seconds before loading the data sent to it.
(We are using 4 workers in our odoo instance)
I have gone into all the sale order line functions to add debugging messages for timings and none of the functions are causing any slowdowns at all but the one thing i have noticed in the log file is that
'POST /web/dataset/call_kw/sale.order.line/onchange' and
'POST /web/dataset/call_kw/sale.order/onchange' are the things that are causing the slowdown.
Now i am unsure how to proceed with debugging this slowdown and at a bit of a standstill.
Here is a screenshot of the console on what i am on about.
If you see between the lines 'JOSH DEBUGGER: ALPHA' and 'GG' that is the slowdown.
Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated, thank you.