I am using community V9C version with web shop and Paypal
I would like the Community to confirm the following
- Create an SO under the webshop with product A
- Pay the SO using paypal
- Return to ODOO after paypal, either using /SHOP/CONFIRMATION (standard documentation on V9) or PAYMENT/PAYPAL/DPN (if you succesfully installed niginx reverse proxy I wasn’t because I am not a network expert !)
- Don't leave the browser yet and change the SO adding product to the SO wich is not confirmed yet
- Try to pay : noting happen ; you can’t pay twice
- Check the SO after leaving the browser : you have A and B into the SO, and you paid only for A
Now : if you leave the browser after fist payment that's OK you create another SO the previous one stay into Draft
Worse : I tried, using a SO workflow, to confirm the SO after the fist payment, in that case, when you return back after the payment, you got into a fatal error saying : " you can’t change a SO which is not into the Draft state."
Now I will be very pleased to know if this issue exist also into the Enterprise version, I guess not, because that will make it unable to be used into a commercial environment
Is this issue already existing for other payment supplier Ogone etc ?
It’s a pitty, because coming from one on the largest ERP company (SXX)
I find this product very frienldly, and perfectly suited for middle/small company.
Best regards