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Hello Odooers!

I would appreciate if anyone can help me with a report.  I am using Odoo online (enterprise edition). 

One of the revenue stream of my company is that it makes commission money of from selling products of principal vendors. Each of these vendors have many products. I needed a sales report for the products sold for all or any one of these vendors to keep track. 

I tried the inventory/products filters and Sales/reports pivot table but couldn't find a solution. 

I am not an expert in IT and do not understand coding. Please consider I am a layman so do please provide a simple solution if you do. Many many thanks. 

Best Answer

Hello Gulraiz, 

I may suggest using Sales-> Report->Sales Analysis Product it will show detailed sales product wise. As per requirements it depends on various factors first if you are using purchase model for vendor purchases if so it may required odoo developer expertise to deliver you customized report to generate report in pdf or interactive pivot to filter out vendor wise using sale orders.
