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I would like to keep track of vendor stock positions for all the products in my database.  But as this is vendor stock (not really consignment, just THEIR stock positions) I do not want this to show up in my inventory, but the website module should take this into account to show if we have it in stock (so combining our owned stock and vendor stock).

Is there a recommended way to do this, for example by using a vendor location under the main warehouse ?  I am trying to achieve this with standard Odoo v16 functionality but not sure if this is possible.


- Stock should be taken into account for website.

- Stock is not ours so should not be counted in inventory valuation

- Stock should be updateable when I receive a stock update from my vendors.




good question! did you find a solution?

Best Answer

I am currently working on a solution for this as well. My vendor supplies a qty in their warehouse which I would like to show as in my stock if I can drop ship it. 

I took a similar approach as to what you were thinking, I created a location in my warehouse called vendors, turned on the consignment inventory, and can now upload the vendors inventory in the locations report via an excel file. If on your excel file you use inventory_quantity_auto_apply and designate who the vendor is it will not be counted in your inventory valuation. Here is what I was able to import. 

My issue is for some reason 2 weeks ago I was able to update the inventory_quantity_auto_apply via an API but all of a sudden since then odoo is now not allowing that. This is what I had working two weeks ago anyone have any idea where I am going wrong?


Best Answer

Consignment stock is not your stock and is excluded from valuation. While you can sell the stock through ecommerce or Sales Orders

Maybe the documentation helps clarify


I checked that out. The issue is that when a user buys the consignee product, as it's assumed to be in OUR warehouse (although we don't own it), there is no inbound purchase order and stock move created. There is only a manual receipt when you "set" the stock. Basically I would like the Vendor stock only to function as an indication if it's in stock, but then still purchase it and do an inbound receipt or a dropship move when we sell an item. So it should go together with Buy and Dropship modes.

The documentation says the SO is confirmed only when the RFQ is confirmed to a PO. I would encourage you to open a helpdesk ticket if the RFQ isn’t being created. It could be a possible configuration issue or a bug.
