I'm making an e-commerce website.
Being a guest, I noticed it gives an error when an individual (who doesn't have a VAT Number, but has a TIN) tries to add an address.
The error that it gives is the following one:
"The VAT number [ITRSSMRA69A07G273V] for partner [False] does not seem to be valid. Note: the expected format is IT12345670017"
It tries to automatically add "IT" in front of the TIN (I'm in Italy and the prefix for VAT Numbers is "IT"). But prefixes are not expected for TINs.
How can I tell Odoo not to automatically add "IT" in front? If I don't put my TIN in, Odoo won't automatically generate the invoice, giving this error:
"Internal server error
Invalid invoice configuration:
The buyer, Mario Rossi, or his company must have a VAT number and/or a tax code (Codice Fiscale)."