I created a report in rml with pto and pto_header. Because there is so many records in a table so it will exceed to next page. and I want to repeat table header in next page, that's why i used pto and pto_header in my rml. It works fine, but problem is, the table in last page moving to right so that some fields are out of the page. Here is my code.
<para style="P8">[[ repeatIn(objects,'o') ]]</para>
<para style="Standard">[[ setLang(o.partner_id.lang) ]]</para>
<para style="P3">
<font color="white"> </font>
<blockTable colWidths="0.53in,0.44in,0.38in" repeatRows='1' style="Table6" rowHeights="0.30in" >
<para style="P2">JOINT NOS</para>
<para style="P2">PIPE LENGTH</para>
<para style="P2">BODY COND</para>
<blockTable colWidths="0.53in,0.44in,0.38in" repeatRows='1' style="Table6" rowHeights="0.30in" >
<para style="P2">JOINT NOS</para>
<para style="P2">PIPE LENGTH</para>
<para style="P2">BODY COND</para>
<para style="P7">[[repeatIn(sort(o.inspection_lines),'line')]]</para>
<para style="Standard">[[ setLang(o.partner_id.lang) ]]</para>
<blockTable colWidths="0.53in,0.44in,0.38in" repeatRows="1" style="Table6" rowHeights="0.13in" valign="MIDDLE">
<para style="P7">
<font color="black">[[ line.name ]] </font>
<para style="P7">
<font color="black">[[ line.pipe_length ]] </font>
<para style="P7">
<font color="black">[[ line.body_condition ]] </font>
Pleas give solution.. thanks in advance..
This is also my problem. I still don't get why this is happening. Did you manage to solve this?