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I've been trying to sort out user permissions recently and noticed that certain menu items are just not available anymore.

Normally, when I open my 'Site' dropdown, I have these options available:

  • Homepage
  • Menu Editor
  • Content
    • Pages
    • Blog Posts
  • This page
    • Properties
    • Optimize SEO
    • HTML / CSS Editor

But after *something* changed, I only have these options:

  • Homepage
  • Menu Editor
  • Content
    • Pages

I don't know what's happening because I reset both group and user settings to be identical to the defaults. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated because I'm just stuck currently.

Author Best Answer

It was a user error, the 'This page' category and the 'Content/Blog Posts' menu items were mistakenly assigned to a group item.

Support provided me with a solution already:

1. Activate Developer Mode: Navigate to Settings > Activate the Developer Mode.

2.1. Go to Settings > Technical > Menu Items > search for “This page” > remove the group line.

2.2. Do the same for "Blog Posts"

3. Refresh the page.


Hello which version do you sir ?