Hello there,
You are getting this issue is because some time result or no1, no2 may contains the string value.
Kindly update below mentioned code
@api.onchange('normal_range', 'result', 'check_value')
def onchange_result(self):
if self.check_value == '<' and self.normal_range:
no1,no2 = self.normal_range.split('<')
result = self.result
if result and result.isdigit() and no1.isdigit() and no2.isdigit():
if int(self.result) >= int(no1) and int(self.result) <= int(no2):
self.remark = 'Average'
elif int(self.result) <= int(no1):
self.remark = 'Below Average'
elif int(self.result) >= int(no2):
self.remark = 'Above Average'
Anisha Bahukhandi
Technical Content Writer