There is a default module that makes a binding:
odoo.define('default_module', function(require) {
"use strict";
$('.some_class').on('change', 'some_selection', function() {
I need to create a module that removes that binding and adds another one, like this:
odoo.define('my_module', function (require) {
"user strict";
$('.some_class').off('change', 'some_selection');
$('.some_class').on('change', 'some_selection', function() {
..... //my new code
But obviously I need to make sure that the code of my module runs after the code of the default module. I believe that adding inside my_module the line:
var default_module = require('default_module');
will make the code inside default_module always run before the code inside my_module. Can anyone confirm this is correct? If not, can anyone explain how to do it?
add that module to dependency list in a manifest of your module
@Temur, I have done so, but is it having the default module as a dependency in my module enough to guarantee that the default module javascript will run before my module javascript? We are not talking about python code, where that would be enough, but Javascript code.