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2 Replies


Today I cloned trunk from GiHub and built an Odoo installation on Ubuntu 14.04

Two months ago when I used the web site builder, all the initial block edit functions (delete, resize, customize) were available whenever I wanted to edit.  Now I have to jump in and edit HTML by hand to achieve any of that.

Is this a bug, or is it the way it's gonna be, from now on?


My grateful thanks to vilder van and Kurt Haselwimmer. It never once occurred to me that it might be a browser incompatibility problem. I have seen that Firefox is also pulling up the rear with the new Google Street View.

Best Answer

The same happens for me , but only in Firefox - other browsers work

Author Best Answer

I experienced this issue and the same effect as vilder van a few months ago but the problem seemed to disappear when I upgraded firefox to v31.0, (running on OSX 10.7.5)

Note: this was a comment by Kurt Haselwimmer.  I converted it to an answer, without knowing that that would remove all reference to him.  Sorry Kurt!
