I'm trying to calculate how much time expressed in minutes passed from the creation of a pos.order till the end on a work center. I'm inherit the point_of_sale with a custom module:
class pos_order(osv.Model): _inherit = 'pos.order'
def on_change_kot_time(self,cr,user,ids,date_order,x_kot_time,context=None):
fmt = '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S'
d1 = datetime.strptime(date_order, fmt)
d2 = datetime.strptime(x_kot_time, fmt)
d1_ts = time.mktime(d1.timetuple())
d2_ts = time.mktime(d2.timetuple())
timekot = int(d2_ts-d1_ts) / 60
res = {
'value': {
'x_minutes': timekot,
return res
but calling the definition with
<field name="field" on_change="on_change_kot_time(date_order,x_kot_time)/>
on pos.order for the field date_order and my two custom fields (x_kot_time and x_minutes) didn't out the result and rise no errors. Just a side note: the x_kot_time is a timedate populated by a (working) server action with the python expression
What I'm missing?
Have you tried adding alerts in your JS to see what is inside your variables and if it even goes off? I can't see any explicit problem at the moment. Try to debug your values to see if those methods are actually triggered and see what is in the variables.
Yenthe, I have no idea on how to do that.
Still stuck. I played around with the Chrome console but I can't see any error. Any idea?
You could try with a simple window.alert? And if you want to do debugging/logging in Python, this tutorial works great: http://www.mindissoftware.com/2014/09/07/Odoo-logging-configuration-usage-implementation/
Tried with:
And at the end of the function: But the log file remains blank.Please note I've changed the name of the variables. Again it works fine directly on pycharm with psycopg2.
I give up. In less than an hour I create a new .py that is listening to the db and update it out from Odoo. No issues so far after processing more than 500 orders (+/- 900 rows) while using Odoo at the same time. I'm sorry to say that even with the new "skin" Odoo documentation is really inadequate.