Don't understand why I can't retrieve the value of a related selection field in stock.move. I have added a custom product_packaging selection field in product.template . And in stock_move I have added the same selection field which I related. A piece of code:
class product_template(models.Model):
product_packaging = fields.Selection(string='Packaging', selection=[
('unit', 'Unit'),
('by_two', 'By 2'),
('by_three', 'By 3'),
('by_four', 'By 4')
class stock_move(models.Model):
product_packaging = fields.Selection(string='Packaging',
('unit', 'Unit'),
('by_two', 'By 2'),
('by_three', 'By 3'),
('by_four', 'By 4')],
But I can't understand why my field is not retrieved when I display stock move.
Could someone help ?