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In our orders we have a char field where we put a value from 1 to 10. At the end of the day I need to export those values on calc (or excel) and make a classic average (sum of the field values / number_of orders).

Now I would like to have it done automatically for every order we made in a working day. Any idea? What about scheduled action (how)?


Even with a new float field the avg do not shows.


Best Answer

Hi Federico,

You can add this field on orders list view and use aggregated method avg e.g avg="Avg. Delay To Pay". 

At the end of day do a group by on date field and this value would be automatically calculated at end of list view.


Kinner could you elaborate a little more your reply?
I've added the value on my tree view

 field name="x_value" avg="Average value" groups="point_of_sale.group_pos_manager" 
but nothing is showed at the end of the list (like the sum of orders values).

Hi Fedorico, Try group in list view and see if avg appears?


Sorry for the delay. Busy days... Even when I group by date (greater or equal of today) the avg don't shows up like the sum at the end of orders list.