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2 Replies

I have a product can either be Buy from a vendor or Manufacture on my own.

In general, Buy is preferred and used most.  I'd like to let the sales person to choose Manufacture if desired.

In route setting, I made both the Buy route and Manufacture route Applicable On Sales Order Lines.

In the product template form, under Inventory tab, both Buy and Manufacture are ticked.

But when I confirm a sales order, the Manufacture route always prevail.

In the product template form, under inventory tab, when only Buy is ticked, 

On confirming a sales order with the line route_id set to Manufacture, the Buy route is selected.

It seems that the route_id on Sales Order Lines does NOT do anything.

Does anyone know what the proper setting of route_id on Sales Order Lines is?

The official documents says it should work

There's also this post saying the importance of routes

Author Best Answer

I figured out how to configure.  v14&v15 behave differently than v13.

In v13, the routes (Buy or Manufacture) created by 'Purchase' and 'Manufacture' modules once set selectable on 'Sales Order Line' will be visible when creating a sales order, and will be honored regardless which route being set on the 'Product Template'.

In v14&v15, route selection evaluated in parallels like how MTO works. For example, if a product set to be procured by route 'Manufacture', in order to BUY this product, a user defined route must be used.

This user defined route contains following rules in sequence,

  1. All rules for Delivery order (1-step, 2-step, 3-step enabled in warehouse setting)
  2. All rules for Internal transfer (Receive 1-step, 2-step, 3-step enabled in warehouse setting)
  3. Buy rule

Noted, in my use case, Deliver order rules is set 'Take From Stock, if unavailable, trigger another rule'.  The odoo default rule was just 'Take From Stock'. 

By swapping the last Buy rule with Manufacture works vice versa.

Best Answer

When you say the manufacturing route always prevail, do you mean that even if the sales team select 'buy' route on the sales order line it still creates a manufacturing order?

Your 2nd case seems to be working fine, as the product does not have an applicable manufacturing route the system chooses the buy route even though manufacturing route is selected on the sale order line.

Also, you could check the replenishment configuration Inventory > Operations > Replenishment to provide the preferred route for a product


Thanks for the reply.
I just tested on CE v13/v14/v15
v13 prioritize Route specified on Sales Order Line over Product Template just fine.
v14/v15 both ignore whatever route being specified on SOL.
Replenishment(Reordering Rule) has a field "Preferred Route" which supersedes the Product Template Route setting.
If multiple Reordering rules exists, the one at the most top prevails.
However, choosing route on Sales Order Line still not working, and require manual config change on either reordering rules or product template.
My usage of this feature is to have every product default to a route and occasionally use another. In CE v14/v15, this would require changing config back and forth which defeats the "default vs alternative " purpose.

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