Hi everyone,
I'm having trouble saving some data to a stock picking model. When I press the validate button and later I press the button "Create Backorder". Enter a "send_shipping" method in "delivery.carrier" due to the creation of a carrier created by me.
Within this method, called a custom controller via requests, in this way, to be able to save the picking data before it is finished. In this way, if there was an error, the information that I saved could be used again without the need to call the api again. Because I'm having problems that the method called twice and created two expeditions to the carrier.
The problem is when I try to execute the write method on the stock picking in the Controller. I don't know how but it gets lock. And the program does not continue.
This is the part of the controller call in the delivery carrier in the method "send_shipping":
base_url = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('web.base.url')
save_picking_data_url = base_url + '/hello_world/delivery_carrier/save_data_send_shipping'
response = requests.post(
'params': {
'stock_picking_id': picking.id,
'tracking_number': tracking_number,
'label_data': label_data
headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
cookies={'session_id': http.request.session.sid }
And these is the controller method to save the data:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from odoo import http
from odoo.http import route, request
class Controllers(http.Controller):
@route('/hello_world/delivery_carrier/save_data_send_shipping', auth='user', type='json', methods=['POST'])
def save_data_send_shipping(self):
user = request.env['res.users'].browse([request.uid])
stock_picking_id = request.params.get('stock_picking_id')
tracking_number = request.params.get('tracking_number')
label_data = request.params.get('label_data')
# Check that the user is in the group
if not user.has_group('stock.group_stock_user'):
return {'error_message': 'Error. You don\'t have permissions in the stock'}
elif not stock_picking_id or not tracking_number or not label_data:
return {'error_message': 'Error. Missing parameters (stock_picking_id, tracking_number, label_data)'}
stock_picking = request.env['stock.picking'].browse([stock_picking_id])
'tracking_number_response': tracking_number,
'label_data_response': label_data
return {'error_message': False}
Someone can know why it happens or do you need more information about the problem?
Greetings and thank you very much!