We sometimes provide services or products at a reduced price or for free. I would like to track these service and product accommodations. They may be warranty related or simply a benefit for key accounts.
For service, my plan would be to create an 'Accommodation' product that will be added to an invoice with the appropriate adjustment or discount. We provide many different services, but grouping them into a single product and account is not a problem. Does this seem like a reasonable solution or is there another mechanism in Odoo to track warranty or accommodated service?
For products we would like to track individually accommodated products. Is there a solution in Odoo for tracking products that are provided as warranty replacement or accommodation? I want a report showing count, and total value by product type for products which were provided as a free accommodation or warranty. I'm trying to avoid reporting that requires me to search sales orders for products which have a price of $0. I also want my sales account to be properly credited and my warranty account debited.