I'm creating a custom app that substitutes respartner.city and respartner.state_id for respartner.city_id_brasil and respartner.state_id_brasil and populates those fields with data on brazilian cities and states.
The fields are working fine, but since I have not added them to 'show_address', they obviously don't show up when I use:
<attribute name="context">{'show_address':1}</attribute>
Is it possible to add my custom fields to 'show_address'? How do I do that?
Or is it better to create a new context like 'show_address_brasil'? How?
Bonus question: (just to satisfy my curiosity) Sometimes when I'm searching this forum for older questions I see people writting variables and code in pink color, like in this image: . Is the option of writting in pink still avaliable? How do I activate it? <code>does this work?</code>