I'm using a Brazilian localization app that creates the field and populates it with a list of brazilian cities according to chosen state, to make it easier for the user.
The app works fine, except that it doesn't display the city's name when I use .
I believe I have tracked the problem -> calls the function to format the address anddoesn't know how to handle args likeor.
I think I have to overide, but I'm really not sure how. My code:
from odoo import models, fields, api, _
class Partner(models.Model):
_name = "res.partner"
def _display_address(self, without_company=False):
address_format = self._get_address_format()
args = {
'state_code': self.state_id.code or '',
'state_name': self.state_id.name or '',
'country_code': self.country_id.code or '',
'country_name': self._get_country_name(),
'company_name': self.commercial_company_name or '',
'city_name': self.city_id.name or '',
'city_code': self.city_id.code or '',
for field in self._formatting_address_fields():
args[field] = getattr(self, field) or ''
if without_company:
args['company_name'] = ''
elif self.commercial_company_name:
address_format = '%(company_name)s\n' + address_format
return super(address_format) % args
What am I doing wrong? Is the usage of Super correct?
Thanks in advance