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The recordData object in javascript has all the fields data. In account.invoice this is object:

For the Many2one fields this is the data:

The "data" only has "display_name" and "id", but i need "vat" field.

Is there a way to get more fields? 

My first option is a rpc to get the partner data using the id (, i tried and it works.

var def = this._rpc({
model: 'res.partner',
method: 'search_read',
domain: [
['id', '=',]
}).then(function (result) {
partner_data = result[0];

My second option is a related field, also works.

partner_vat = fields.Char(related='partner_id.vat')

But i want to know if i can avoid this rpc call and avoid create a new related field.



Did you ever solve this?