I've created a custom module and I've created an action window:
<act_window id="action_wv_so_invoice_status"
key2="client_action_multi" name="Change Invoice Status"
res_model="wv.so.invoice.status" src_model="sale.order"
view_mode="form" target="new" view_type="form" />
Now when I go from an Opportunity to the Quotations through the smart button I get this error :
File "/opt/odoo/odoo11/odoo/addons/base/ir/ir_actions.py", line 125, in get_bindings
IndexError: list index out of range
I stop the code to debug, and I get this :
> /opt/odoo/odoo11/odoo/addons/base/ir/ir_actions.py(125)get_bindings() -> result[binding_type].append(action.read()[0])
(Pdb) action ir.actions.act_window(654,) (Pdb) action.name'Change Invoice Status' (Pdb) action.read(['name']) [{'name': 'Change Invoice Status', 'id': 654}] (Pdb) action.read() [] (Pdb) action.read()[0] *** IndexError: list index out of range
The variable action has the record of an action window, but isn't "readable".
What I'm doing wrong? What can I do ?