I want to change SCSS color variables dynamically when a user sets custom colors for the backend. With a http controller I can generate the SCSS variables. My problem is when reloading the webpage, the SCSS variable cannot be found. Has anyone an idea to get it to work?
Inherit web.assets_backend:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/theme/static/src/scss/colors.gen.scss"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/theme/static/src/scss/style.scss"/>
For example:
/static/src/scss/colors.gen.scss generates:
$brand-primary:#008DCA; $brand-secondary:#5EC269;
Update: when the user logs out, the http controller http://localhost:8069/theme/static/src/scss/colors.gen.scss gives 404 error. Maybe the problem is that Odoo cannot fetch the URL locally?
And if it works afterwards, multiple databases will give also a problem I think.