We need help with rest-API. We need an example (better documentation) how to use the rest-API to import from an external application the data of the trading session and all its baskets/orders in odoo.
We have own cash register, and we want to integrate it with odoo, from odoo to cash register we can get the info, but adding the info in odoo doesn't work, we get many different errors. (For example - "TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict'.")
A specific question - we need an example of how to export a cashier from a external website in odoo.
http://www.odoo.com/documentation/11.0/webservices/odoo.html - we use this link, but can we use these methods to create in odoo the user and the session. And if we can - then we need an example. If these methods can not be used, than how?