Hi guys,
I use Odoo 11 and i need to call some methods declared into models of backend from website by a not logged user..
Into controller i used the paramenter auth="public" and some .sudo() into write and search....and all works great, but i have some methods called by javascript into backend that when a not logged user trigger that methods i receive this error:
raise http.SessionExpiredException("Session expired")
There is something that can i do?
The backend have the sudo().write() too or sudo().search() but still get the error.... with a logged Porta user no problems, but i need to let usable from not logged users!
This is the method that send me the error message from model ir.http
def _auth_method_user(cls):
request.uid = request.session.uid
if not request.uid:
raise http.SessionExpiredException("Session expired")