I want to find a solution to create leads from mail using the content of the mail to fill automatically the leads fields like name, expected income, mail, phone, address, tags, stars and custom fields.
Let me explain it with an example.
I receive an email from a web form with some values on it:
Estimation number PR34-3567
Name: Jon Doe - mail: john@doe.com- Location: 5th avenue, Springfield - Phone 699 966 969 -
Peperoni -2
Cheese - 4
Tomato - 5
Drink included
Total cost: 99$
With this example mail content received from a web form I would find very useful, Odoo has a way to identify items and use them to fill the lead generated when mail is received.
It would be possible to modify the content generated by the form, adding tags to make items easily identifiable, like this kind:
Estimation number [lead_name]PR34-3567[/lead_name]
Name: [client_name]Jon Doe[/client_name] - mail: [mail]john@doe.com[/mail]- Location: [adress_street]5th avenue,[/adress_street] [adress_city]Springfield[/adress_city] - Phone [phone]699 966 969[/phone] -
Peperoni -2
Cheese - 4
Tomato - 5
[custom_tag]Drink included[/custom_tag]
Total cost: [expectet_income]99[/expectet_income]$
Is there a way to do it, or is there's a way to ask for implementation in future versions?