Odoo Warning - Validation Error Check in date should be greater than the current date.
Please how can this be resolved.
<field name="checkin_date"/>
<field name="checkout_date"/>
<field name="duration"/>
<separator string="Room Lines" colspan="4"/>
<field name="room_lines" colspan="4" string="Room Line" nolabel="1" context="{'checkin':checkin_date,'checkout':checkout_date}">
<form string="Room Line">
<page string="Folio Line">
<group col="6" colspan="4">
<field name="checkout_date"/><field name="checkin_date"/>
Here are the few line giving the error...Solution well be appreciated
The Warning may rise based on your checkin date and checkout date ,because you cannnot enter checkout date before check in date (if you dont want this validation remove ,onchange api from checkin,checkout function:
Please use a meaningful title.