In odoo 9, I am able to use this function :
class payslip_report_pdf(report_sxw.rml_parse):
_name = 'payslip_report_pdf'
_description = "Employee Payslips"
def __init__(self, cr, uid, name, context):
super(payslip_report_pdf, self).__init__(cr, uid, name, context=context)
'payslips': self.get_payslip_data(cr, uid, context=context),
'get_payslip_lines': self.get_payslip_lines,
'get_total_by_rule_category': self.get_total_by_rule_category,
def get_payslip_data(self, cr, uid, context=None):
retval = {}
payslip_obj = self.pool.get('hr.payslip')
payslip_ids = context.get('active_ids')
payslips = payslip_obj.browse(cr, uid, payslip_ids, context=context)
for payslip in payslips:
sen_yr, sen_mon, sen_day = self.pool.get('hr.employee')\
.get_seniority_ymd(cr, uid,, context=context)
seniority = '%dA, %dM, %dJ' % (sen_yr, sen_mon, sen_day)
# Leaves
leave_obj = self.pool.get('hr.holidays')
leave_ids =, uid,
[('employee_id', '=',], context=context)
leaves = leave_obj.browse(cr, uid, leave_ids, context=context)
leaves_acquired = sum([x.number_of_days for x in leaves \
if x.state == 'validate' \
and x.type == 'add'\
and x.holiday_status_id.limit == False]) or 0.0
holidays = [x for x in leaves \
if x.state == 'validate' \
and x.type == 'remove' \
and x.date_from.split()[0] >= payslip.date_from.split()[0] \
and x.date_to.split()[0] <= payslip.date_to.split()[0]]
# leaves_taken = sum([x.number_of_days for x in leaves \
# if x.state == 'validate' \
# and x.type == 'remove'\
# and x.holiday_status_id.limit == False])
leaves_remaining = sum([x.number_of_days for x in leaves\
if x.state == 'validate' \
and x.holiday_status_id.limit == False]) or 0.0
retval[payslip] = {
# 'lines': lines,
'seniority': seniority,
'leaves_acquired': leaves_acquired,
# 'leaves_taken': leaves_taken,
'leaves_remaining': leaves_remaining,
'holidays': holidays,
retval[payslip].update(self.get_salarial_data(cr, uid, payslip,
yearly=False, context=context))
# Yearly stuff
jan_1 = payslip.date_from.split('-')[0] + '-01-01'
slip_end = payslip.date_to.split()[0]
yr_slip_ids =, uid,
[('employee_id', '=',,
('date_from', '>=', jan_1),
('date_to', '<=', slip_end)], context=context)
yearly_data = dict.fromkeys(['gross_year',
'worked_days_year'], 0)
for yr_slip in payslip_obj.browse(cr, uid, yr_slip_ids, context=context):
data = self.get_salarial_data(cr, uid, yr_slip, yearly=True,
for key in data.keys():
yearly_data[key] += data.get(key, 0)
return retval
and i call it in my costum report like this.
<span t-esc="payslips[o]['worked_days']"/>
how can i transform it to use it in odoo 10? Thanks.