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When uploading attachement on ir.attachement field with widget many2many_binary. Uploding blocked and showing error.

Odoo V15.

Uncaught Promise > QWeb2 - template['FieldBinaryFileUploader.files']: Runtime Error: Error: 
QWeb2 - template['FieldBinaryFileUploader.attachment_preview']: Runtime Error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'replace')

Error: QWeb2 - template['FieldBinaryFileUploader.files']: Runtime Error: Error: QWeb2 - template['FieldBinaryFileUploader.attachment_preview']: Runtime Error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'replace')
    at Object.exception (
    at Engine.eval (eval at _render (, :30:29)
    at Engine._render (
    at Engine.render (
    at Class._render (
    at Class.reset (
    at Function._.each._.forEach (
    at Class.confirmChange (
    at Class.confirmChange (

This is my field:

Python : control_images = fields.Many2many("ir.attachment") 
XML : <field name="control_images" class="oe_edit_only" widget="many2many_binary">
