I would like to mark the opportunity stages readonly. I've tried the following ways
Method 1
'stage_id': fields.many2one('crm.case.stage', 'Stage', track_visibility='onchange',
domain="['&', '&', ('fold', '=', False), ('section_ids', '=', section_id), '|', ('type', '=', type), ('type', '=', 'both')]",readonly=True),
Method 2
<field name="stage_id" widget="statusbar" clickable="False"
domain="['&', '|', ('case_default', '=', True), ('section_ids', '=', section_id), '|', ('type', '=', type), ('type', '=', 'both')]"
Both the methods didn't work out. Kindly help me to do this.
Its working, I checked in crm opportunity.
which method working zahin, it's not working for me.
clickable="False", please check that which file you editing, is exactly updating in openerp IR:view or not. Use debug mode to trace the things.
Hy zahin, I use the same syntax with clickable="False" and check that the view is properly displayed. Yet the status bar still clickable.