Wizard method
def button_confirm (self):
view = self.env.ref ('purchase_update_price.purchase_update_price_wizard_form')
return {
'name': _ ("Purchase Update Price"),
'view_mode': 'form',
'view_id': view.id,
'res_id': view.id,
'view_type': 'form',
'res_model': 'purchase.update.price .wizard ',
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'target': 'new',
purchase order line field
def update_purchase_price (self):
active_pro = self.env ["purchase.order"]. browse (self.env.context.get ("active_id")). search ([]) [0]
return active_pro.order_line
order_line = fields.Many2many ('purchase.order.line', string = 'Available Products'
, default = update_purchase_price)
#Still i am getting empty list with only labels not values in my wizard why?
are you expecting to show the purchase order lines in the order_line field ? if so how you tried to do it? if you are looking for the way, you can do it from the default_get method of the wizard model.
Yes exactly thats what i am trying to do.
I fetched the order_line by
active_pro = self.env ["purchase.order"]. browse (self.env.context.get ("active_id")). search ([]) [0]
but its not apprearing in wizard i don't know why i set this function as a default value for a field order_line
def default_get(self, fields):
res = super(PurchaseUpdatePriceWizard, self).default_get(fields)
active_pro = self.env["purchase.order"].browse(self.env.context.get("active_id")).search([])[0]
new_line = []
for product in active_pro.order_line:
line = (0, 0, {
'order_id': product.order_id,
'product_id': product.product_id,
'name': product.name,
'company_id': product.company_id,
'product_uom_category_id': product.product_uom_category_id
'order_line': new_line
return res
order_line = fields.Many2many('purchase.order.line', string='Available Products')
#used default_get also still empty list