So I'd like to display the name of the location on the Track List but so far I'm getting stuck with errors.
I already added a new field to the event.track model names "x_location_name", which is a computed field with the following code:
from odoo import api
location_name = fields.Text(compute='_compute_location_name')
@api.depends('location_id', '')
def _compute_location_name(self):
if self.location_id:
self.location_name =
self.location_name = ''
Then I went to the Tracks: List Display view and added a span with t-out="track.x_location_name" but after that the website throws an error as follows.
Error while render the template ValueError: forbidden opcode(s) in "from odoo import api\nlocation_name = fields.Text(compute='_compute_location_name')\n\n@api.depends('location_id',')\ndef _compute_location_name(self):\n if self.location_id:\n self.location_name =\n else:\n self.location_name = ''": IMPORT_NAME, IMPORT_FROM Template: website_event_track.tracks_display_list Path: /t/div[2]/ul/li/div[2]/div/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/span[1] Node:
The error occurred while rendering the template website_event_track.tracks_display_list and evaluating the following expression:
So I'm stuck here and was wondering:
- Is the computed field not correct? (I'm not knowledgable in Python)
- Did I incorrectly try to render the computed field?