Hi I'm trying to hide create button for attendance from 'Human Resources > Attendance'. Employees must be able to Sign In, Sign Out from top button, but should not be able to create the attendance from the HR > Attendance menu.
If I change access rights from 'Settings > Security > Access Control List > hr.attendance.system.user' and deselect 'create access' it disables both create button from attendance and Sign-In/Sign-Out button.
I just want to hide 'Create' button, so followed some questions answers from OpenERP Q&A help.
Tried changing the code from source files 'openerp > addons > hr_attendance > hr_attendance_view.xml'
<form string="Employee attendances" version="7.0">
<form string="Employee attendances" create="false" version="7.0">
but that did no affect at all in OpenERP.
Please help. I'm new to openerp and exploring it. Have PHP/HTML/CSS experience.
I just wish I could give the 'Create' button a CSS value like 'display: none' somewhere just to hide/invisible it.
Thanks & Regards, Sat
you can get some hint from here: https://www.odoo.com/forum/how-to/developers-13/setting-up-rules-access-right-in-xml-csv-files-12667