Hi everyone, everything fine?
Odoo 12:
I have a Tree View of a custom module, I needed to add an item to change the status in bulk in my action dropdown.
So far so good:
<act_window id = "id_for_record"
name = "Construction - Change Status"
src_model = "construction"
res_model = "construction.change.state"
view_type = "form" view_mode = "form"
key2 = "client_action_multi"
<record id = "wizard_view" model = "ir.ui.view">
<field name = "name"> Test </field>
<field name = "model"> construction.change.state </field>
<field name = "arch" type = "xml">
<form string = "Test">
<field name = "state"> </field>
<button string = "Apply" name = "action_apply" type = "object" class = "btn-primary" />
<button string = "Cancel" class = "btn-default" special = "cancel" />
I added a model:
class constructionChangeState (models.TransientModel):
_name = 'construction.change.state'
state = fields.Selection ([('finalized', 'Finalized'), ('progress', 'In Progress')], string = 'State')
def action_apply (self):
My problem is quite simple actually, how can I pass the selected Ids in the Tree View to the Form and make the bulk change?