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I'm on Odoo v14 CE.

I'm currently writing a custom app, so I'm modifying my models / views very often (var names, add and remove, ..) and sometimes with major changes
After all these changes, I ended with a strange behavior with a wizard (Transient model)

This wizard duplicates a "product.template" then set a custom name on it. Sample code could be :

new_product = current_product.copy()
vals = {
'name': "my new name"

The strange behavior is :
- On my existing database (the one with many changes / updates), it does not work, the name keeps being "Current product name (Copy)"
- On a fresh (new) database, everything works as expected : the name of the duplicated product is set to "my new name"

So I guess it's not a code issue by itself, but I was suspecting something wrong in the config hold in the database itself about this app/module, maybe some states, or code that has not been correcly updated / cleaned ?

Maybe I should do something specific (vaccum / cleanup) after important updates ? I also tried :
- duplicating the database, same problem, only a new database solves this issue
- having some other update methods, for example = "my new name" but same problem

Any idea ?
Is there a way to force the reinstallation of an app without losing all data ?

Thank you


Some additional information about the models :
- The transient model is only for the wizard itself, it allows to define some important information for creating the new product (by duplicating another one)
- The current_product.copy in the above sample code concerns the default "product.template" model (so it's no Transient)

So I'm not sure if it's related to TransientModel or not..

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And another information I forgot : other fields are correctly updated ! If I do something like

new_product = current_product.copy()
vals = {
'tracking': 'lot',
'sale_ok': True,
'name': "my new name"

In that case, 'tracking' and 'sale_ok' will be updated, but 'name' will stay on "Current product name (Copy)"

'name' is behaving as if it had a "readonly" attribute set on it, but it's not the case (and I can update it in the edit form with no problem, and it will save with the correct name)
