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Good day, 

it would appear that the facility to transfer existing packages between inventory locations is not available in Odoo v11. yet v9,10,12 and 13 has it as standard. 

Does someone know why this fundamental feature is not available, or alternatively provide instructions of how to enable it?

Thank you,


Hi Alan, you are right, there is no any useful feature for packages management in odoo. if you are working with packages then you also need to customise odoo. I have developed packages scanning, transfer and packages management application. So overall i fill that you need to customise odoo for this feature.


Hello Haresh,

Thank you for the feedback. If I could perhaps just iterate that it is indeed a useful feature which was oddly removed in v11 yet available in later versions. I tested on v13 and its back in the standard. The reason for this useful feature is that it simplifies transferring of goods (in one go) as you already know. So that baffles the mind as to why Odoo would have determined that the industry had no use for it when v11 was developed, yet changed their mind as its again available in later versions. I am of the opinion that something as intrinsic as this should have remained in the core and not left up to partners or external developers to build custom add-ons for this. It also means that v11 is a no-go zone should you have been on prior versions and considered upgrading to v11...unless of course you opt for a custom module like yours.