Hi everybody,
I meet a problem to track opened function in Mass Mailing.
I sent a email from mass mailing in the ODOO then I checked in my email and look at a problem: google add more link new into ODOO link. So the ODOO cannot track opened in the mass mailing. Please help me to do it. Thank you so much :)
<img src="https://ci6.googleusercontent.com/proxy/_grekn9t9sW2MbzVvOtX-ALTsGwkMZrDaK9O6KxQKJcSsBYBakyV1sf9yLTQiiF19ju4R-aqt5SZLRxXfZz68-7y0UHf_GZ3ANzK6n-qAFYKmxrJjQfdFMxeLoo=s0-d-e1-ft#" alt="" class="CToWUd">