Does traceability of serial numbers only work with point of sale module?
With incoming goods A warning that I must enter a serial number is displayed followed by a field to enter the s/no.
However, It does not work on sales. No message & no field to enter the s/no.
In products > inventory > Lots I have tried both "full lots traceability" and "track incoming lots" + "trtack outgoing lots" Together.
Still the same.
Searched & found a video on this subject, the auther used the same method for incoming/ receiving goods but to sell used point of sale rather than "sales". On products configured for traceability it worked perfectly.
I installed point of sale to try it but got an exception:
Field(s) `company_id, journal_ids` failed against a constraint: The company of a payment method is different than the one of point of sale.
For now, I would just like to know if I am correct about P.o.s. being the only way to hadle outgoing serial numbers.
Any ideas please?