I have create a new module which has more number of fields I called this in python as a column
from openerp.osv import fields, osv
class autobuy_fields(osv.osv):
_name = "autobuy.fields"
_description = "autobuy fields"
_columns = {
'name': fields.char('Source'),
'year':fields.selection([('2012'), ('2013'), ('2014')]),
'make':fields.selection([('Jeep'), ('SUV'), ('TUV')]),
'model':fields.selection([('Model1'), ('Model2'), ('Mopdel3')]),
'mileage':fields.float('Purchased Mileage'),
'boffer':fields.float('AutoBuy Offer'),
'coffer':fields.float('Customer Offer'),
'soffer':fields.float('Second AutoBuy Offer'),
'amount':fields.float('Purchase Amount'),
'price':fields.float('Asking Price'),
'aoffer':fields.float('AutoTrader Offer'),
'sroffer':fields.float('SR Buyer Offer'),
'samount':fields.float('Sold Amount'),
'fname':fields.char('First Name'),
'lname':fields.char('Last Name'),
'cname':fields.char('Co-Owner Name'),
'cphone':fields.integer('Cell Phone'),
'hphone':fields.integer('Home Phone'),
'pdate':fields.date('Purchase Date'),
'udate':fields.date('Pickup Date'),
'stock':fields.char('Stock No'),
It shows error as "too many columns to unpack" If I give only 8 fields it does not shows error If I give more than 8 values it shows the error.
How can I solve this or it only take 8 fields?
the error is not number of fields but the definition of selection field.